The Union of Twin flames program in The Crystalline Temple of Unconditional Love on the 12th Dimension.
In this transmission of light, you invite your Beloved´s I AM presence to together with you receive Angelic Crystalline codes of light, Divine Union light codes, and Heart Frequency patterns through sonic vibrations as you travel with your Divine counterpart to the Crystalline Temple of Unconditional love to receive the initiation into the Union of Twin flames program in The Crystalline Temple of Unconditional Love on the 12th Dimension.
You initially connect with Mother Earth to amplify your grounding, manifesting abilities, and be nurtured and healed by the energies of the Divine Mother. Assisted by Archangel Michael, The Board of Karma, the Elohim Astrea and Purity, the High councils of Light, and the Gods and Goddesses of Light, you are cleared from negative energies and cords in your field, aura, and chakras that might be blocking you from the light of your Soul, and your Beloved. Your chakras are cleared from negative and discombobulated energies and energy cords, upgraded and attuned by Archangel Metatron, the Archangel of Sacred Geometry. Your 12 layers of your aura are cleansed, and you are connected to the higher layers and bodies of the aura and their extensions of light through Source light. Your energy channels are repaired and connected to the Higher chakras, portals of light, and your spine, connecting your physical expression, lower mind, and personality aspects more fully to Source light. To further support your ascension journey, Soul embodiment, Self-realization, and Self~mastery, your Merkaba is activated and helped to spin in increased light frequencies by Sanat Kumara, Archangel Metatron, and Lord Vywamas. As you connect to the Highest light that you can connect with at this time, you build your light quotient, preparing you for traveling to the Temple of Unconditional Love in the 12th dimension.
You further step into the sixteen pointed Diamond star facilitated by Lord Melchizedek. Within this sacred space, you invite your Beloved to travel with you to the Crystalline Temple of Unconditional Love on the 12th dimension. As you arrive, you connect with one of the High Priests within this Temple of Light to receive a blessing of your union and connection and the Solar Crystalline Light codes of the Angels of the 12th Dimension connected to the Temple of Unconditional Love. You are initiated into the Twin flame Union Program facilitated by the High beings working within the Crystalline Temple of Unconditional Love, connecting with Lady Nada, the assigned helper of Twin flames incarnated in the 3rd dimension. Your union and connection are blessed, and you receive the Angelic Solar and Crystalline Light codes from the angels residing in this Temple of Light through the language of light. As you travel back to the physical world, you anchor the energy of your pure and deepened connection with your beloved upon the Earthly plane to support the manifestation of your Soul mission and your connection Heart to heart, Soul to Soul on Gaia.
Throughout this session, you build your energetic connection with your Beloved Twin flame, Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul, bringing you closer together in Light and Love.
You receive the full spectrum of frequencies by listening with earphones, and you can receive the frequencies in this session as often as you feel guided to, increasingly building your connection with your Beloved
With love, Susanna
Length: 62 minutes
Music: 432 Hz
Tech Specs
Mp3. Length: 62 minutes
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